NEW Songs and Videos


No God Good Enuff

Since I'm honoring Neil Young this week I thought this might be a song he'd appreciate.  Even atheists get the blues, right?...

© Bill Burnett  Please click here for LYRICS

And if you like this song, by all means click the button below and buy it through Paypal...




God knows why Vimeo isn't putting any start image in this video.  Here's one to get you in the mood, by my good friend John Fountain, who did some of the best work on ChalkZone and provided one our our most memorable voices, "Howdy Rudy."  This song baffled a lot of my colleagues at ChalkZone.  Why the Golden Thumb?  Why not the Golden Sun?  Isn't that the obvious choice?Uh...yeah.  That's why I didn't want to do it.  And anyhow, isn't waiting till the Golden Thumb comes up again a little more like what we all do in real life?  It will come up again...won't it? WON'T IT????

Please click here for LYRICS


May I Please

It's a prayer, it's a plea.  Composed in lust it transformed into a song of hope for happy endings...

© Bill Burnett  Please click here for LYRICS

This song has helped me through some rough emotional times.  It has been compared to Neil Diamond, and I say OKAY, he's a good songwriter.  Holly Holy!

If you like it please click the button below and purchase it through Paypal...


Shouldn'ta Gone Down That Way

© 2009 by Bill Burnett

Please click here for LYRICS

This song is a true story. And a harrowing one.  Sure Obama is prez now and everything's going to be all right again, but there are still wounds from the time we just passed through that haven't healed.  This is one of mine. I must have tried six different ways to get it down on video tape, and finally, today, I just walked out in the driveway and sang the damn thing. 

For those who would like to hear just the audio of this song, here it is:

If it speaks to you, if you iike it, please hit the button below and buy it, for crying out loud!



Dream A Lotta Dreams

Please click here for LYRICS

Every year the Sweet Chariot Music Festival concludes with a bittersweet campfire sing.  This song was inspired by that event, and it eventually made it to the airwaves on my show ChalkZone.

And then my band The Backboners did a version of the song which I think is wonderful...

 If you like it, you can buy it for just $.99.  Cheap!  Just hit the button...