NEW Songs and Videos


Songs Are...


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This newly dug song of mine seemed like a good candidate to kick off the SongMine. After all, in recent weeks the stock casino crashed and burned, the housing bubble burst. Turns out they were illusions all along.  Which just confirms my long held belief that it is the business people who are the deluded dreamers and the artists who place their faith in real substance.  We have our art, no matter what. Art retains its value.  Beethoven's 9th still has its grandeur. The Mona Lisa still sort of smiles. You've still got those poems you're writing, or your photography, or your play or your ballet or your knitting. I've still got these songs.  And the Buckley Smith charcoal behind me in this video still comes to life whenever I look at it.  So who comes out ahead in the end?

If you like this song, you can download the audio by clicking the button below. Remember the 2nd Law of the Post Hitocracy:  "Artists shouldn't starve on the Webiscite!" 



Tiny Honda Hybrid fights the SUV behemoths in
The Land-of-the-Freeways. A song is his only weapon...

Big Fat Stupid SUV from Bill Burnett on Vimeo.

© 2008 by Bill Burnett

Click here for lyrics...



Good Ship Friendship

Argh!  A bunch o' pesky preschool varmints asked me write a song about their voyage from tots to full-fledged kidhood, using their words!  So I wrote this song, my talented wife Debrah Lemattre shot this video, and we all had a rollicking good time singing it.  

The Good Ship Friendship from Bill Burnett on Vimeo

Click here for lyrics...



Merry Chrishanakamas

Here's a song I wrote to bring us all together at holiday time

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